Will Humble

/Will Humble

About Will Humble

Will Humble, M.P.H. Director Arizona Department of Health Services

Sochi Public Health Tips

By | January 13th, 2014|Preparedness, Prevention|

I know that some of you out there are going to attend  the Winter Olympics - so I put together the blog post below over the weekend for folks that might be going.  Here goes in case you’re interested: Let’s start with the good news first- then the health tips…  Sochi Games to be Smoke Free- Russians [...]

MERS Update

By | January 10th, 2014|Preparedness|

Back in the fall I mentioned the new SARS-like virus, MERS-CoV, which has been causing severe illness, and sometimes death, mainly in the Arabian Peninsula. Four months ago, 103 cases had been reported worldwide, about half of them fatal. Now, 177 cases have been reported, with 74 deaths. The cases are almost all located in [...]

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Behavioral Health Efficiency Moves

By | January 9th, 2014|Behavioral Health|

This week we’re making 3 efficiency changes in our behavioral health system.  Instead of having providers bill us and AHCCCS for different services, all the bills will go to AHCCCS- and we’ll get statements from them.  It’ll be the same with enrollment- all paperwork is processed through AHCCCS and we’ll get a standard report that [...]

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Historic Arnold vs. Sarn Agreement Reached

By | January 8th, 2014|Behavioral Health|

The Governor today announced a final agreement has been reached in the Arnold vs. Sarn case regarding care and services for individuals with serious mental illness.  Litigation that commenced in 1981, the settlement ends a more than three-decade long lawsuit against the state and establishes a blueprint for a successful community-based behavioral health system in [...]

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Combatting Killer Painkillers

By | January 8th, 2014|Prevention|

Poisoning (including alcohol and prescription drugs) causes more deaths than car crashes in Arizona.  A recent report issued by the Trust for America's Health ranked Arizona as having the 6th highest death rate for drug overdose in the country in 2010.  Arizona also had one of the highest rates (4th highest at 5.7%) of nonmedical [...]

ADVICE Collaborative II: Turning the Tide on Infections

By | January 7th, 2014|Prevention|

Back in 2013 our Licensing team joined with our Infectious Disease Services shop and our Healthcare Associated Infections Advisory Committee to put together a day-long conference aimed at improving infection control practices in our dialysis facilities. The ADVICE collaborative brought together licensed dialysis providers, the dialysis network, federal partners, and public health professionals to find [...]

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Electronic Birth Certificate Rollout Going Smoothly

By | January 6th, 2014|Prevention|

We rolled out a new electronic birth certificate system this week that will be a game-changer for public health.  Our system (which took about 18 months to plan, create & launch) will help us collect better surveillance data for our Winnable Battles like obesity, tobacco use, substance abuse, and better data about birth outcomes that will help [...]

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Influenza Season Officially Arrives

By | January 3rd, 2014|Preparedness|

Flu season is here!  Parts of the country (mostly in the south) have had more intense flu activity in the last few weeks, and 25 states reported widespread flu activity for the week ending December 28th.   Meanwhile, in Arizona we are seeing an increase in the number of lab-confirmed flu cases reported to ADHS- but [...]

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Public Health Poem to end the Year

By | December 27th, 2013|General|

The Ambulance Down In The Valley A Poem About Public Health Prevention by Joseph Malins (1895)   'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed, though to walk near its crest was so pleasant; but over its terrible edge there had slipped a duke and full many a peasant. So the people said something would [...]

Smart, Strong and Driven – Arizona’s 2013 babies

By | December 26th, 2013|General|

Arizona is on a great trajectory for success if you go by baby names.  The most popular boy’s name in 2013 was Liam which means strong-willed warrior and the most popular girl’s name – Sophia – means wisdom. Liam, a form of the name William, jumped to first place from fourth last year, but it [...]