Blazing Frontiers: A Successful 2017 Arizona Public Cord Blood Conference

By | April 18th, 2017|Preparedness|

On April 13, the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission and the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix held the Second Annual Arizona Cord Blood Conference: Blazing Frontiers. The Arizona Public Cord Blood Program was created to advance the collection of and increase the number of cord blood units available for transplantation. Umbilical cord blood, [...]

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ABRC Strategic Plan

By | December 17th, 2012|General|

The Arizona Biomedical Research Commission was created several years ago as a mechanism to fund biomedical research in Arizona.  Core projects include research that digs into the causes, the epidemiology and diagnosis, the formulation of cures, the medically accepted treatment or the prevention of diseases, including new drug discovery and development.  Funding comes from tobacco [...]

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New AZ Biomedical Research Commission Kick-off

By | May 1st, 2012|General|

You might remember that the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission was transferred to the ADHS last legislative session.  We officially became responsible for the Commission in July of 2011.  My first priorities were to get a clear analysis of the “books” (e.g. the financial records etc.), get a handle on the outstanding research projects that the Commission [...]

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By | August 10th, 2011|Licensing, Preparedness|

Here in the Sonoran Desert monsoon season = scorpion season.  There are more than 56 species of scorpions in Arizona- but only one- the bark scorpion is of any public health significance.  The problem is that it’s the most common scorpion found in Arizona homes.  Since you live in the bark scorpion's territory, you probably have them around [...]

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Welcome Our New Teammates

By | August 1st, 2011|General, Preparedness|

Please join me in welcoming three folks from the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission to the ADHS team today.  The Legislature and Governor made a statutory change last cycle that moved the Commission to us, and their mission is a good fit.  The Commission basically awards contracts for projects researching the causes, epidemiology and diagnosis, formulation [...]

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Sir, You are Served

By | June 20th, 2011|General|

There’ve been 3 lawsuits filed against the Department in the last few days.  On June 10th, the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission filed suit against the state (including me) to stop the enactment of the portion of SB1615, which transfers the Commission to ADHS next month.  We have someone from the Attorney General’s office working on [...]