Team ITS delivered and deployed 2 more new web modules for the Medical Marijuana application this week: the 1) dispensary agent processing module; and 2) a new version of the Verification System which more efficiently facilitates card verification for law enforcement officers and employers in real time. 

Thanks much to everyone who assisted in the development of these modules. From ITS, special “Thanks” to Dimiter Pekin (Project Manager), Jennifer Tweedy & Team, Contractors – Cleavon Blair and Roger Stepper, Michael Conklin, Loretta Jackson and Lloyd Kalicki. Thanks again to the Program Administration and Management for providing ITS with necessary support, cooperation and great ideas as needed!  The team is currently working on the following modules that are scheduled to go-live soon including the “point of sale” application which will be able to track dispensary sales in real-time, and a dispensary inspection module.