

Items in the Preparedness category will cover everything from Emergency Medical Services to vaccination programs. This division at ADHS tracks contagious disease, coordinates emergency preparedness activity, licenses EMTs and Paramedics, regulates ambulance companies, authorizes special hospital designations like cardiac care center and Level IV trauma center, issues birth and death certificates, and tracks critical health data through various sources including hospital discharge information.

Monsoon Food Safety

By | July 4th, 2014|Preparedness, Prevention|

With the monsoon comes an increase in foodborne illnesses in Arizona.  While outdoor pool parties, barbeques, and family gatherings are cool, it’s important to remember some tips for handling food safely to protect your family and guests from a nasty bout of foodborne illnesses.  According to the CDC, reducing foodborne illness by just 10% would keep 5 million Americans [...]

Training Improves Outcomes

By | June 27th, 2014|General, Licensing, Preparedness|

Improving health outcomes at licensed healthcare facilities in Arizona requires 2 main ingredients.  Having regulations and encourage continuous quality improvement (which is now complete) and providing our licensed facilities with the information they need to implement practices (in accordance with the regulations) to execute positive change. Now that we’ve finished developing the new regulations, it’s [...]

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Ventanillas de Salud Snags the 2014 AMC Fannin Award

By | June 24th, 2014|Behavioral Health, General, Preparedness, Prevention|

The annual plenary session of the Arizona-Mexico Commission wrapped up Friday night.    The Ventanilla de Salud (Health Windows) program won the Arizona Mexico Commission’s Paul Fannin award.  This is a top recognition for the Commission- with the award going to “… an organization that has demonstrated acts of goodwill and support toward the development of the Arizona-Sonora relationship.”  [...]

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Newborn Screening Team Beats Deadline

By | June 13th, 2014|Newborn Screening, Preparedness|

Ben Franklin said: "Critics are our friends, they show us our faults".  A true statement.  When a reporter from Wisconsin wrote a story about newborn screening turn-around times around the country, we found out that we had room for improvement when it comes to the time it takes newborn metabolic screening samples to get from AZ hospitals to our Lab.  Basically, [...]

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Chikungunya Coming Soon?

By | June 10th, 2014|General, Preparedness|

First there was West Nile virus and then dengue on our doorstep. Now it’s Chikungunya (pronunciation: \chik-en-gun-ye click to hear pronunciation)- which is a new disease threat in the Western hemisphere.  Like dengue, this virus is spread by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitos, causing fever and severe joint pain 3-7 days after a mosquito bite. There’s no cure- just supportive [...]

Dengue and the World Cup

By | June 9th, 2014|General, Preparedness|

GOOOOAAAAAL!!! With the World Cup just around the corner, soccer fans are dusting off their jerseys and getting ready to cheer on their favorite team. For super-fans lucky enough to travel to Brazil to see the matches first hand, fans of opposing teams aren’t the biggest threat… a mosquito-borne disease is. Dengue, spread by the [...]

Working Hard for Public Health

By | June 5th, 2014|Preparedness|

Every year, the Arizona Medical Association works with us to find one person who really stands out in the public health field to win the Public Health Service Award.  This year Dr. Frank Walter, the medical director for our Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness, was given the award at last week’s annual dinner. Dr. [...]

Get In the Health Care Driver’s Seat

By | June 3rd, 2014|General, Preparedness|

Let’s face it.  When it comes to being in control as a consumer- information is power.  And being in control of your own health and health care is probably one of the most important things you can do as you go through life.  Up until the last couple of years, the healthcare world has been [...]

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ADHS Turns the Key On Electronic EMT & Paramedic Certification System

By | May 27th, 2014|Preparedness|

One of our top Strategic Map objectives is to improve access to our services by leveraging technology. We took a great leap forward in that area when our new On-Line EMCT Certification went live this week.  The new electronic certification system allows Arizona’s 10,000 Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics to apply for and renew their certificate [...]

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Wildfire Season Kicks Off

By | May 23rd, 2014|Licensing, Preparedness|

The first big fire of the season started this week in Oak Creek Canyon- called the Slide fire.  Smoke is usually the first public health impact from wildland fires.  The air quality in Flagstaff and Sedona has been generally OK- but poor at times depending on the winds (smoke levels in Sedona have been high [...]