obesity epidemic

/Tag:obesity epidemic

6.4 Trillion Calories

By | January 21st, 2014|Prevention|

Can you picture 6.4 trillion calories? That’s the number of fewer calories sold by 16 major food companies in the last 5 years.  The companies include names like Campbell’s Soup and the Coca-Cola Company. All are part of the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation and have pledged to remove calories from their products as a public [...]

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Cinco Pasos

By | July 22nd, 2011|General, Prevention|

The next time you’re in Mexico- keep your eye out for their “Cinco Pasos” wellness program.  The federal secretary of health and each of the state health departments in Mexico are actively participating in the new wellness campaign.  It’s an easy-to-understand 5-step program that encourages their citizens to take simple steps to improve their health [...]

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