Nursing Homes

/Tag:Nursing Homes

Preventing Healthcare Associated Infections: An AZ Winnable Battle

By | January 4th, 2013|Licensing, Preparedness|

Healthcare-associated infections are a critical public health challenge in Arizona and in the US. Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are acquired during healthcare treatment and can be devastating and even deadly- and they’re largely preventable. You may have seen the article in last week's Republic about dirty needles and their link to transmission of viruses and drug-resistant superbugs. The article [...]

Evidence-Based Decision-Making: A Key Regulatory Benchmark

By | November 19th, 2012|Licensing|

The role of a surveyor can be a difficult one. Our team of licensing surveyors need to maintain neutrality as regulators and be able to apply the Arizona Administrative Code (otherwise known as “the rules”) to a wide variety of facilities within the healthcare system.  Part of our surveillance includes investigating complaints- which can be generated from [...]

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Our New Strategic Plan

By | October 17th, 2012|General|

The vision of the Department is to ideally achieve a state of Health and Wellness for all Arizonans and our mission is to promote, protect, and improve the health and wellness of individuals and communities in Arizona. The updated mission and vision statements are helping us build public health value in-house as well as in [...]

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AZ Carecheck

By | November 14th, 2011|General, Licensing|

It’s been a while since I mentioned to you that our Division of Licensing has a really good web site called AZ Care Check.  Our website provides a 3 year history of survey results, complaint investigation results and if any of our licensed facilities (nursing homes, assisted living, hospital and other medical facilities, childcare or [...]

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Wildfire Update

By | June 10th, 2011|General, Preparedness|

I’m sure you know that a few wildfires are still burning in AZ, including the massive Wallow fire. The Governor signed a Declaration of Emergency on Monday this week, releasing some state funds to help with the response efforts and opening the State Emergency Operations Center, which is coordinating and directing the state emergency response activities.  You [...]

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Marijuana (Cannabis) in AZ’s Nursing Homes?

By | August 31st, 2010|Uncategorized|

Close your eyes and imagine you're one of our surveyors, you're doing an inspection of a nursing home or assisted living center and you find residents smoking marijuana.  Could that really happen?  Maybe. One of the provisions of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act talks about the ways nursing homes and assisted living centers (that we license) can manage [...]

ADHS Status

By | July 21st, 2010|General, Newborn Screening|

We’ve got a lot to be proud of over the last year and an half.  It’s been hard, I know because of all of the budget reductions and the lower staffing level.  On the other hand, we’ve got an incredible mission and we’re doing a good job.  I often tell people that we work in [...]

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State-of-the-Art Online Complaint System

By | March 23rd, 2010|Licensing|

Our Licensing & Operations Divisions went live with our new Online Complaint Form system.  It took some old fashioned elbow grease and creativity to put together this new time saving application- that will allow our licensing folks to more efficiently take and track complaints- and to more efficiently get back with folks that file them.  [...]