marijuana cultivation

/Tag:marijuana cultivation

Cannabis Cultivation- Post Prop. 203

By | October 15th, 2010|General|

Where would the inventory come from if Proposition 203 (the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act) passes?  As near as I can tell…  it could come from at least 3 places: enclosed cultivation facilities associated with dispensaries; enclosed cultivation facilities operated by caregivers on behalf of cardholders, if the people they care for live 25 miles from [...]

Coming Soon: A Marijuana Dispensary Near You?

By | October 6th, 2010|General|

Will a marijuana dispensary pop up in your neighborhood at the old payday loan store?  It depends.  If the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act passes, there could be up to 120 dispensaries (and their indoor cultivation facilities) setting up shop across the state.  Where they actually go will depend on what kind of local zoning restrictions [...]