National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

By | April 10th, 2017|Prevention|

Today, our department joins organizations nationwide to observe National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day. This event was established in 2013 to support young people living with HIV, promote HIV education and awareness, and encourage youth to get tested. Nationally, the CDC estimates that 51% of youth 13 to 24 who have HIV aren't aware they [...]

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Several Goals Established to Curb HIV in Arizona

By | December 1st, 2016|Prevention|

Public health agencies around the world recognize World AIDS Day on Thursday, Dec. 1 to show support for people living with disease, and to remember those who have passed.  The special day was established in 1988 to create an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV. More than 17,000 Arizonans are [...]

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Showcasing successful strategies for collaboration

By | October 1st, 2015|General, Preparedness|

Our partnership building skills were highlighted at the United States Conference on AIDS on September 13, in Washington, D.C. Our Office of Disease Integration and Services, HIV Prevention Program, and Maricopa County Ryan White Part A Program were selected from a pool of a thousand applicants to facilitate a three hour workshop “Thrown Under the [...]

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Our Most Popular Annual Report Goes Mobile

By | January 27th, 2014|General|

Every year our most popular annual report (it’s not even close) is called the Arizona Health Status and Vital Statistics Annual Report.  We released the 2012 Arizona Health Status and Vital Statistics Annual Report this week- and this time it’s mobile friendly so can pull it up on your IPad, IPhone and other Android devices.  The document contains hotlinks and [...]

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Flourishing in Uncertain Times

By | March 22nd, 2013|Preparedness|

In last week’s update, I discussed the impact of federal sequestration to the main agencies who award us funding. We’re expecting a 5% reduction to our funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, a program that provides access to HIV/AIDS medications for patients with limited or no insurance coverage.  We should be OK in this [...]

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Walk to help Valley AIDS Agencies

By | October 19th, 2012|Prevention|

The world's first AIDS Walk was developed by Craig Miller in 1984 during the height of the AIDS epidemic. Seeing the need for immediate action in response to this public-health emergency, he drew on his experience as a political and community organizer, combining grassroots activism with fundraising and other campaign strategies to raise both awareness and urgently needed funds [...]

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Guide to Community Prevention Services

By | October 3rd, 2012|Prevention|

Every so often- you run into a resource guide that stands above the rest.  I discovered one of those a couple of weeks ago when I was at a conference with the people in my job from around the country.  It’s called the Guide to Community Preventive Services – and it’s a free resource to [...]

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Women’s Services Expansion Kick In

By | September 20th, 2012|Affordable Care Act, Prevention|

Several prevention-related health services will be covered without cost sharing in new health plans as of a couple of weeks ago as a result of the Affordable Care Act.  The changes are designed to help lower costs and outcomes for a variety of preventative women’s services.  Previously, some insurance companies didn't cover some of the [...]

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Tattoo You 2

By | August 23rd, 2012|General, Preparedness, Prevention|

Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released information about an infection some folks were getting because of the ink used in their tattoos.  It reminds me that there are some good practices that folks who want tattoos can ask their artist about - I wrote about it last year in Tattoo You? Regardless [...]

Treatment as Prevention

By | July 24th, 2012|Prevention|

The use of successful antiretroviral medicines in the 1990s was a game changer for HIV by reducing deaths.  Now, it’s changing the game again. While the new med’s were originally developed to keep people living with HIV/AIDS healthier and alive longer- the new med’s are good enough to be used as a prevention method. Using [...]