abortion reporting

/Tag:abortion reporting

Annual Abortion Report Published

By | September 18th, 2012|General, Prevention|

A couple of years ago a bill was passed that required our agency to do a comprehensive statistical report about abortion in Arizona. We published our second annual report this week… which includes data compiled from elective abortion procedures reports, complications from abortions reports and petitions filed authorizing abortions to minors. Facilities that provide the [...]

Abortion Clinic Licensing

By | July 13th, 2011|General|

A new law was passed last legislative session (HB 2416) that expanded the definition of an abortion to include “any means” (the former definition was limited to surgical abortions) and changed the qualifications for who can perform the procedure.  For us, it meant that beginning July 21 (when the law was to take effect) we'd be responsible for [...]

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Abortion Clinic Inspections

By | August 30th, 2010|Licensing|

In 1999 a bill was passed to regulate abortion clinics.  Before the law could take effect, a lawsuit was filed that “stayed” the regulation of abortion clinics until a settlement agreement could be finalized with the Department and the plaintiffs.  Last year the settlement agreement was finalized and the Department was able to write rules [...]

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Abortion Reporting

By | May 12th, 2010|Licensing|

The Legislature passed (and the Governor signed) a new law this past session that expands the number of reportable fields for abortion procedures that occur in Arizona.  There are about 17 reportable fields and new reporting requirements for complications that occur as a result of the procedure.  All of the data is confidential and there are no personally [...]