abortion clinics

/Tag:abortion clinics

Abortion Clinic Inspections Bill

By | April 24th, 2014|Licensing|

We license and inspect abortion clinics in AZ.  Due to a court settlement agreement (unlike other health care institutions we license) we’re currently required to get an administrative search warrant before conducting an unannounced inspection of an abortion clinic.   For a routine compliance inspection, we need to give them 10 days-notice. On Tuesday, the [...]

HB 2036: Abortion; Procedures; Informed Consent; Requirements

By | April 13th, 2012|General|

The Governor signed HB 2036 today- which amends state law regarding abortions. We'll be responsible for implementing many of the law's provisions. Our Rules and Medical Licensing teams will be responsible for writing new regulations for the operating procedures at abortion clinics, our Medical Licensing team will be ensuring compliance with the new rules, and our IT and [...]

Abortion Clinics Finally Licensed

By | November 10th, 2010|Licensing|

In 1999 a bill was passed that charged the ADHS with licensing and inspecting abortion clinics.  Before the law could take effect, a lawsuit was filed that “stayed” the regulation of abortion clinics until a settlement agreement could be finalized with the Department and the plaintiffs.  Last year the settlement agreement was finalized, we developed [...]

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Licensing Stuff

By | September 29th, 2010|Licensing|

Medical licensing has been busy over the last few months preparing to license Abortion Clinics.  Back in 1999, a law was passed (ARS § 36-449.01 36-449.02 36-449.03) that required ADHS to license and inspect abortion providers if they provide 5 or more first-trimester abortions in a month or if they provide any 2nd or 3rd trimester abortions as an [...]

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Abortion Clinic Inspections

By | August 30th, 2010|Licensing|

In 1999 a bill was passed to regulate abortion clinics.  Before the law could take effect, a lawsuit was filed that “stayed” the regulation of abortion clinics until a settlement agreement could be finalized with the Department and the plaintiffs.  Last year the settlement agreement was finalized and the Department was able to write rules [...]

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