Our Quality Management Operations shop inside behavioral health has an incredibly complicated and important mission. They have responsibility for regulating and managing Information Management; Performance Improvement; Medical Management; and Quality of Care Monitoring and Oversight in AZ’s public behavioral health system. These 4 critical areas work together to develop and implement a system of continuous quality improvement by establishing performance measures, investigation of quality of care concerns, evaluating performance through data collection methods, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing improvement initiatives.  

Their wide-ranging responsibilities are too involved to go into here, but you can get a feel for some of their responsibilities by viewing our recently approved 2012 Medical Management/Utilization Management Plan and Work Plan; Quality Management Plan and Work Plan. Our general report archive page is at: http://www.azdhs.gov/bhs/reports/annual.htm.

By the way- the managed care skills used in this area are very valuable for career development… and there are a couple of openings right now. One of the best ways to ensure that your career path will be rewarding (and rewarded) is to learn transferrable skill sets- and this area offers plenty of that. You can contact [email protected] for more info.