

Items in the Preparedness category will cover everything from Emergency Medical Services to vaccination programs. This division at ADHS tracks contagious disease, coordinates emergency preparedness activity, licenses EMTs and Paramedics, regulates ambulance companies, authorizes special hospital designations like cardiac care center and Level IV trauma center, issues birth and death certificates, and tracks critical health data through various sources including hospital discharge information.

Check out Arizona’s 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey

By | August 31st, 2010|Behavioral Health, Preparedness, Prevention|

Decades ago, how long you lived depended mostly on fate.  Infectious diseases, poor sanitation and unsafe conditions called the shots.  However, because of advances in public health, much of the fate part is gone and the risk factors for premature death are dominated by behavioral and lifestyle choices.  Of course, income and access to resources [...]

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How Do You Take Your Eggs?

By | August 27th, 2010|Preparedness, Prevention|

Cooked all the way through, I hope. I’m certain that you heard about the national egg recall this month.  I’ll try to put it in perspective.  Epidemiologists across the country and at the CDC found a nationwide outbreak of Salmonella that has made a few hundred people sick.  The investigation found that people that ate [...]

Arizona Loses a Children’s Health Evangelist

By | July 13th, 2010|Preparedness, Prevention|

Daniel T. Cloud, Jr., M.D., one of Arizona’s most dedicated health and public health professionals, passed away last week.  We’ll miss him, but his life work lives on. Dr. Cloud made his dream come true to establish a children's hospital in Arizona- and became the Founding President of Phoenix Children's Hospital in 1983.  He was [...]

CDC’s “Science Clips”

By | July 6th, 2010|Preparedness|

I have a new bookmark spot for you.  It’s called Science Clips, and it’s the CDC’s newest weekly publication.  Each week selected science clips will be posted on the site for the public health community with the goal of enhancing awareness of emerging scientific knowledge. The focus is applied public health research and prevention science [...]

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Community Health Data Initiative

By | June 22nd, 2010|Preparedness, Prevention|

Earlier this month, the US Department of Health & Human Services announced a new public-private effort that aims to help Americans understand health and health care performance in their communities and to help spark and facilitate action to improve performance.  It’s called the Community Health Data Initiative l.  The goals are to provide Community Health [...]

Congratulations Mohave and Yuma Counties!

By | June 18th, 2010|General, Preparedness|

A big round of applause is due for Patty Mead and Becky Brooks and their teams at Mohave & Yuma Counties for receiving full recognition for Project Public Health Ready (PPHR).  Their teams persevered through the process, didn't give into frustration when additional documentation was needed and came out on the winning end. ADHS is proud to be a partner in [...]

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Cardiac Arrest Survivor Program Launched

By | June 17th, 2010|Preparedness, Prevention|

We’ve made a lot of progress toward doing something about one of the biggest killers in the state and U.S.- cardiac arrest.  We’ve published peer-reviewed journal articles that demonstrate the superiority of the new hands-only CPR technique, implemented the new approach throughout the EMS community, made inroads with getting the public aware of the new [...]

ADHS Lab Selected for Gulf Fish Testing

By | June 11th, 2010|Preparedness|

Our state public health laboratory Environmental & Analytical Chemistry unit has been selected as 1 of 8 chemistry laboratories across the country that will be examining commercial seafood for contaminants from the gusher in the Gulf. The goal is find out whether commercial seafood has been contaminated by the oil spill and if so, to [...]

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An H1N1 Retrospective

By | June 9th, 2010|Preparedness, Prevention|

An article in last month’s New England Journal of Medicine provides a good summary of the public’s perception of the H1N1 response in an article called The Public's Response to the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic.  It’s a comprehensive review of data from 20 national public opinion polls conducted between April 2009 and January 2010.   Early [...]

Smoke Free Arizona Annual Report

By | June 4th, 2010|Preparedness|

Our Smoke Free Arizona team published our 3rd annual ADHS Smoke-Free Arizona Annual Report 2010 this week.  The report found (just like last year) that compliance the law is excellent, thanks in large part to the common-sense approach that we took when implementing the act since 2007.  Over the last year, the county health departments conducted [...]