

Items in the Preparedness category will cover everything from Emergency Medical Services to vaccination programs. This division at ADHS tracks contagious disease, coordinates emergency preparedness activity, licenses EMTs and Paramedics, regulates ambulance companies, authorizes special hospital designations like cardiac care center and Level IV trauma center, issues birth and death certificates, and tracks critical health data through various sources including hospital discharge information.

Death Certificates In-House Now

By | March 31st, 2011|Preparedness|

Lots of people know that our Office of Vital Records is the statewide data hub for birth certificates, but we’re also in charge of death certificates.  The program we use for death certificates is called the “Vital Statistics Information Management System”. The system used to be supported by a contractor in Utah, but no more.  [...]

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Ultra Brief CPR Videos Work

By | March 30th, 2011|Preparedness|

Each year, almost 300,000 people suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the United States. Survival rates from these events tend to be extremely low. However, research has shown that hands-only bystander CPR can triple survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.  The problem is that bystanders that witness a cardiac arrest only attempt CPR about 26% of the [...]

What’s Cosmic Radiation Anyway?

By | March 29th, 2011|Preparedness|

In a previous blog post, I talked about how all of us are exposed to natural radiation on a daily basis. It mostly comes from space (called cosmic rays) as well as natural radioactive materials found in the soil, water and air. Some people were wondering what cosmic rays are. Cosmic rays are actually energetically charged particles [...]

New National Public Health Indicator Tool

By | March 24th, 2011|General, Preparedness, Prevention|

HHS launched a new web portal providing important health and health care indicator data.  The Health Indicators Warehouse represents a vast collection of health and health care indicators like determinants of health, health care access, cost, quality, and use.  Health indicator can be searched for specific populations, places, political jurisdictions, and geographic areas. The Warehouse [...]

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Japanese Radiological Emergency

By | March 18th, 2011|General, Preparedness|

All of us are exposed to natural radiation on a daily basis. It mostly comes from space (called cosmic rays) as well as natural radioactive materials found in the soil, water and air.  People can also be exposed to radiation from human-made sources like X-ray machines. Radiation doses are usually measured in units called milli-Sieverts.  On [...]

Healthcare Associated Infections Report

By | March 7th, 2011|Preparedness, Prevention|

Good news this time.  The number of bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients with central lines decreased by 58% over the last 10 years according to a new CDC Vital Signs report. This decrease saved 27,000 lives and $1.8B in excess health care costs. Bloodstream infections in patients with central lines can be deadly, [...]

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ADHS & UA Score New Traumatic Brain Injury Grant

By | March 4th, 2011|Preparedness|

Approximately 20,000 folks are seen in the AZ emergency departments for a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).  Of these 1,000 die and 4,500 are hospitalized.  At least 2% of the U.S. population has a TBI-related long-term need for help to perform activities of daily living.   So, needless to say, brain injury is a major public health issue.  There’s growing [...]

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Handwashing Report

By | March 3rd, 2011|Preparedness, Prevention|

A recent report in Surgery News found that a six-month "process improvement project" that added a simple hand-washing question to the daily ICU checklist decreased the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infections in a surgical ICU.

AZ Trauma System News

By | March 2nd, 2011|Preparedness|

Trauma remains a big problem in Arizona; it’s the leading cause of death for folks under 44 and nearly 27,000 people suffered injuries severe enough to be cared for in trauma centers in 2009.  We’ve been working hard over the last few years to recruit new rural hospitals into the trauma system as Level IV [...]

Global Polio Eradication Rounds the Bend

By | March 1st, 2011|Preparedness, Prevention|

Public health efforts eradicated smallpox from the globe in the late 1970s.  The last naturally occurring case was in Somalia in 1977 (followed by a couple of lab accident cases in 1978).  Public health set its sites on Polio next- with an expectation that it could be eradicated before the turn of the century.  A [...]

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