One of the budget bills that passed and was signed last legislative session (Laws 2011, Chapter 31, § 7) allows our Office of Vital Records to set new fees for copies of registered certificates, certified copies, amendments, etc. Our Office of Vital Records will use the new fees to “self-fund” the program, meaning we’ll no longer receive State General Funds to run the program.  Not only will this make us self-sufficient, but we’ll have the ability to invest in sorely needed technology infrastructure.  Our Rules, Finance, and Vital Records teams have developed the new proposed fees which are posted on our Rules website. The proposed start date for the new fees is July 1, 2011.

As usual, we’re asking for public comment about the proposed fee changes, and folks can send comments to Tom Salow at [email protected].  We’ll also be holding a public meeting to receive public comment about the fees on June 23, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. at 1740 W. Adams, Room 411A, Phoenix, AZ 85007.