Weight of the Nation

/Tag:Weight of the Nation

Tightening AZ’s Waistline

By | May 22nd, 2012|General|

The CDC, along with HBO, The Institutes of Medicine and several private partners created a series of documentaries, called Weight of the Nation which aired last week, but you can still watch them all online.  We wrote a feature about our own Matt Gainey-  who made tremendous strides to change his health.  Matt is just one [...]

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Up to Us!

By | May 15th, 2012|General|

Arizona is way over the limit - almost 2/3rds of us are overweight or obese.  A report released last week shows that the cost to all of us is $190 billion every year.  There's a great opportunity happening right now with a national push to fight the obesity problem.  The CDC, along with HBO, The Institutes of [...]

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Weight of the Nation – Free HBO

By | May 14th, 2012|Prevention|

Update: We were incorrect in the earlier posting about free access to HBO. In fact, if you are not an HBO subscriber, you can watch the documentary online for free here: http://theweightofthenation.hbo.com/ We don’t shy away from tough battles in public health.  Through the last century, we’ve tackled all types of diseases, worked with public [...]