Wayne Tormala

/Tag:Wayne Tormala

Arizona “Mission of Mercy” Starts Tomorrow

By | December 12th, 2013|Prevention|

Seems like anytime you hear a 100+ year old person being interviewed about the secret to long life they say “take care of your teeth and feet and drink cod liver oil”.  For good reason.  Good oral health is critical to a person’s overall health. Tooth decay and gum disease are linked with heart disease, [...]

Dispatch Interventions

By | June 25th, 2012|Prevention|

About a year ago Ben Bobrow, MD (our EMS Medical Director) came into my office with a great idea to set up a program to train 911 dispatchers in better ways to coach callers through CPR instructions so callers can do a better job before the paramedics get there.  The problem was money.  So I sent him [...]

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