Tobacco and Chronic Disease

/Tag:Tobacco and Chronic Disease

Leveraging Medicaid to Help Arizonans “Kick the Habit”

By | September 19th, 2013|Prevention|

Many of the health disparities in the US are linked to income.  In general… the lower a family’s income the greater the prevalence of health disparities.  Health impacts from smoking cigarettes are no exception.  Arizonans below the poverty line (100% of FPL) are 40% more likely to smoke than those with more money... and about 34% of [...]

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2011 AZ Diabetes Burden Report

By | May 17th, 2012|Prevention|

Our Tobacco and Chronic Disease team released the 2011 Diabetes Burden Report this week.   And you guessed it- a primary cause is a lack of physical activity and poor nutrition (I know I sound like a broken record).  Diabetes is linked to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy and even amputations.  Sadly, [...]

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