

ASH Recheck

By | February 13th, 2014|Behavioral Health|

Last week we had a visit from CMS (Medicare) to check on our plan of correction from a Survey that was conducted last fall at the Civil Units.  Although we won’t get a final report for a while…  we do know that Team ASH did a great job during the survey- ensuring that the surveyors [...]

Smoke Free AZ Turns 5

By | May 30th, 2012|General, Prevention|

It’s hard to believe- but our Smoke Free Arizona program turned 5 this month.  Voters approved the Act back in November of ’06 by a few percentage points.  The Initiative language gave us a super-short turn-around time (just like medical marijuana)…  and we turned the key on the program by May of ’07.  Implementation of the [...]