Tai Chi

/Tag:Tai Chi

We’re Celebrating Falls Prevention Awareness Month

By | September 1st, 2016|Prevention|

September is National Falls Prevention Month and in Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has issued a proclamation calling for community partnerships to promote a falls free Arizona. Our most recent data from 2015 shows more than half of falls-related hospitalizations end up in skilled nursing facilities. People 85 and older have the highest rates of fatal [...]

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Piloting Tai Chi for Falls Prevention in Arizona

By | May 12th, 2016|Prevention|

As we age, one of the best things we can do for ourselves and our loved ones is to maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit by participating in activities that are both effective and fun. Too often, while we know that being physically, mentally, and emotionally active will add years-to- our-life, and life-to-our-years, we [...]

Tai Chi Prevents Injury

By | February 25th, 2015|Prevention|

Before I started working here in ’92 I spent a year backpacking in southern Asia with my now wife (then my girlfriend).  Wherever we went in China we’d see seniors in the parks or village squares doing Tai Chi in the morning.  In a village it might be a group of a dozen folks, and [...]

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