success stories

/Tag:success stories

Recovery WORKS Newsletter

By | April 17th, 2013|Behavioral Health|

In our April issue of Recovery WORKS you’ll find inspiring recovery stories, behavioral health news, resources, and information from our community. Our featured peer success story this month is about MedHat Zekri, a peer who’s been able to overcome severe depression, anxiety and stress and is being very successful in achieving his life's goals.  In our [...]

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Tightening AZ’s Waistline

By | May 22nd, 2012|General|

The CDC, along with HBO, The Institutes of Medicine and several private partners created a series of documentaries, called Weight of the Nation which aired last week, but you can still watch them all online.  We wrote a feature about our own Matt Gainey-  who made tremendous strides to change his health.  Matt is just one [...]

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