save lives

/Tag:save lives

National Public Health Week: A Celebration of Health Improvement

By | April 5th, 2013|General|

This week we’re celebrating National Public Health Week… a week that helps us recognize the work we do to keep our communities healthy. Public health focuses on improving our overall health by making the entire healthcare system stronger. The theme of this year’s celebration is Return on Investment. This isn’t just an investment of money, [...]

Dispatch Interventions

By | June 25th, 2012|Prevention|

About a year ago Ben Bobrow, MD (our EMS Medical Director) came into my office with a great idea to set up a program to train 911 dispatchers in better ways to coach callers through CPR instructions so callers can do a better job before the paramedics get there.  The problem was money.  So I sent him [...]

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Behavioral Health Contract Scope Enters the Homestretch

By | June 20th, 2012|Behavioral Health|

Our Request For Purchase (otherwise known as RFP) Core Team (Bob Sorce, Victoria Navarra, Teresita Oaks, and Chris Leavitt) and our entire cast of characters has been doing a full court press for the last 6 months to put together the Scope of Work that we’ll use when we go out for bid for the massive behavioral health services [...]