
SMI Eligibility Determination RFP

By | February 13th, 2013|Behavioral Health|

We just issued a Request for Proposal to find a contractor to make eligibility determinations regarding whether or not folks meet the criteria for determination as seriously mentally ill (SMI) in Maricopa County.   The idea is to have an objective process for eligibility determinations by contracting with an independent entity.  The contractor will be responsible [...]

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Integrated Care Responses On Deck

By | January 8th, 2013|General|

We all need to take care of both our physical and behavioral health needs in order to be healthy. The mind and body aren't separated- and neither should the health-care delivery system- especially for folks with a serious mental illness. Folks with a serious mental illness die more than 25 years earlier than the general [...]

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Acting Deputy for Behavioral Health

By | August 5th, 2012|Behavioral Health|

Thanks for your patience as we developed our continuity plan for leadership in our Division of Behavioral Health.  I know you’re  all anxious to hear the transition plan for after Dr. Nelson leaves on August 24.  Fortunately, we are very lucky to have so many strong leaders here at the agency, including a really great [...]

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Behavioral Health Contract Scope Enters the Homestretch

By | June 20th, 2012|Behavioral Health|

Our Request For Purchase (otherwise known as RFP) Core Team (Bob Sorce, Victoria Navarra, Teresita Oaks, and Chris Leavitt) and our entire cast of characters has been doing a full court press for the last 6 months to put together the Scope of Work that we’ll use when we go out for bid for the massive behavioral health services [...]