

Major Regulatory Reform Milestone

By | May 5th, 2014|Behavioral Health, Licensing|

Last week we passed a major milestone in our Strategic Plan when we filed our final new set of rules for the Arizona's 5,500 licensed healthcare facilities.  With this week's filing - we've now completed our overhaul of the State's regulations for hospitals, behavioral health inpatient facilities, nursing care institutions, recovery care centers, hospices, behavioral health residential facilities, assisted living facilities, outpatient surgical centers, outpatient treatment centers, adult day health care [...]

Insurance Exchange Reg’s

By | April 18th, 2012|General|

The Department of Health and Human Services released final regulations to implement Insurance Exchanges under the ACA.  The regulations spell out the standards for establishing and operating “one-stop” marketplaces, qualifications for health insurance plan participation, exchange health plan and subsidy eligibility determination for individuals, and criteria for small business eligibility and participation. Certain provisions of the [...]

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HB 2036: Abortion; Procedures; Informed Consent; Requirements

By | April 13th, 2012|General|

The Governor signed HB 2036 today- which amends state law regarding abortions. We'll be responsible for implementing many of the law's provisions. Our Rules and Medical Licensing teams will be responsible for writing new regulations for the operating procedures at abortion clinics, our Medical Licensing team will be ensuring compliance with the new rules, and our IT and [...]