Reducing Healthcare Associated Infections

/Tag:Reducing Healthcare Associated Infections

Preventing Healthcare Associated Infections: An AZ Winnable Battle

By | January 4th, 2013|Licensing, Preparedness|

Healthcare-associated infections are a critical public health challenge in Arizona and in the US. Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are acquired during healthcare treatment and can be devastating and even deadly- and they’re largely preventable. You may have seen the article in last week's Republic about dirty needles and their link to transmission of viruses and drug-resistant superbugs. The article [...]

Winnable Battles

By | May 4th, 2012|General|

As part of our strategic plan, we name 5 winnable battles to prioritize over the next 1-3 years.  While not de-emphasizing work in other areas, this is an important effort to achieve measurable impact quickly in a few targeted areas.  We’ve identified five areas as key domestic winnable battles for improving our state’s health, based [...]