

Lifesaving test

By | February 23rd, 2012|Prevention|

You’ve probably read or heard about my experience with my colonoscopy when I turned 50.  For years doctors have recommended getting a colonoscopy when you turn 50.  If doctors see something unusual like a polyp, they can remove it while they are there - which is what happened to me.  But they really didn’t have [...]

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Prevention and County Health

By | January 5th, 2012|Prevention|

Our prevention and county health folks will be spending more time working to help counties, schools, and communities to adopt policies that will reduce obesity, chronic disease and disparities.  One area of focus will be Border Health where the objectives include reducing motor vehicle accidents and substance abuse.  There will also be more going on [...]

HIV Becomes a Chronic Disease

By | December 1st, 2011|General|

Chronic disease often calls up bad images for people because it means living with the disease for a long time.  But…  there was a time when cancer wasn’t chronic disease because people got sick and died pretty quickly.  The same goes for HIV.  When it was first discovered in the early 80s people quickly transitioned [...]

Saving Kid’s Lives

By | November 10th, 2011|Prevention|

The death of a child is a tragedy not only for their family, but also for our communities- and finding ways to save kids' lives is a sentinel public health goal.  But- as is always the case- finding solutions and implementing effective public health interventions requires solid data collection and analysis.  That’s where the annual [...]

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Strategic Planning and Public Health Accreditation News

By | October 6th, 2011|General|

As a follow up to my email earlier this month introducing you to the agency-wide efforts around accreditation and presentations of the draft strategic map, I'm happy to formally announce our new mission and vision: To improve the health and wellness of people and communities in Arizona (our Mission) and Health and Wellness for all Arizonans (our [...]

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Encouraging Trends in New Bi-annual Tobacco Prevention Report

By | July 11th, 2011|General, Prevention|

Part of the authorizing statute for our tobacco prevention programs includes a requirement that we develop a bi-annual report of our progress and activities.  Just two years ago, we reported that we were shifting to an “evidence-based” approach to our prevention activities.  In other words- we shifted our intervention strategies to focus on approaches that have [...]

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National Public Health Prevention Plan Released

By | June 21st, 2011|Prevention|

The national Public Health Prevention Plan was released last week, with a clear emphasis on the critical contributors to health.  The 4 broad strategic directions for the plan are: Building healthy and safe community environments, Expanding quality preventive services in both clinical and community settings, Empowering people to make healthy choices, and Eliminating health disparities. This [...]

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National Men’s Health Week is Here

By | June 16th, 2011|Prevention|

Men’s Health Week focuses on male specific diseases such as prostate cancer and men's wellness in general, including mental health issues and accident prevention. Many people think of their fathers this time of year - but men should at least make a commitment to themselves and their families to pay better attention to health and [...]

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Preventing Teen Pregnancy

By | April 27th, 2011|Prevention|

Preventing teen pregnancy could save the United States about $9 Billion per year.Teen mothers face higher rates of preterm birth, and their kids have higher rates of low birth weight, and infant death.  Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of high school and remain single parents.They’re more likely to be jailed at some time [...]

Personal BP Story

By | October 26th, 2010|Uncategorized|

When we implemented our Salt Initiative  earlier this year we asked people to know their blood pressure and consider reducing their sodium intake by shopping more carefully and preparing recipes that are lower in sodium.  One of the main messages was to encourage people to know their own blood pressure.  Then it occurred to me- [...]

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