peer pressure

/Tag:peer pressure

Prom Tools for Parents

By | April 3rd, 2014|Prevention|

In the next few weeks many AZ teens will be attending proms.  While proms can have positive memories, the experiences can turn tragic when alcohol is part of the mix.  Alcohol impairs judgment…  potentially leading to sexual assault, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and deadly car crashes.  Car crashes are the leading cause of death among teens… [...]

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Prom Tools for Parents

By | April 26th, 2013|General|

As spring blooms in AZ, the change in seasons also comes with milestones for our state’s teenagers. In the next few weeks many of them will be attending proms and graduations. While proms and graduations can have positive memories, the experiences can turn tragic when alcohol is part of the mix.  Alcohol impairs judgment…  potentially [...]

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By | February 10th, 2010|Prevention|

Perhaps nothing in public is more controversial than the question of what is the best way to delay sexual activity in youth.  Some say abstinence education is the best way.  Some say it’s a more broad approach and boosting self esteem.  Some say it’s keeping kids involved in sports and other activities.  Some people say [...]