patient confidentiality

/Tag:patient confidentiality

Patient Confidentiality: Public Health’s Sacred Trust

By | October 17th, 2013|General|

  Public health surveillance is a cornerstone of public health practice…  and the effectiveness of that surveillance system rests on a foundation of patient confidentiality.  The public’s consent for allowing their personal medical information to be reported is made with the understanding that the data will be kept confidential.  The moment we jeopardize the trust, [...]

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Patient Confidentiality: A Cornerstone of Public Health Practice

By | December 8th, 2011|General|

When we think about holding things in confidence- several relationships come to mind that have a long history built on trust and the sharing of deeply private information.  Most of us can name these relationships with ease… husband and wife… lawyer and client… health care providers, public health officials and patients.  These relationships exist for [...]

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