

Licensing’s “ADVICE Collaborative”

By | March 28th, 2013|Licensing|

Our Licensing team routinely analyzes the most frequent and important deficiencies that we observe and posts the data on our website.  We use the data to help educate the folks that we license… and to identify good topics for provider training and technical assistance (public health interventions).  For example, our medical facilities licensing team has found that infection control [...]

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Working Together

By | September 24th, 2012|Behavioral Health, Licensing|

I've written many times about how important it is that we work with our partners to protect the health and safety of the people of Arizona.  It’s our responsibility to take advantage of opportunities to teach and practice what we preach.  It’s nice when someone outside acknowledges when someone goes above and beyond which is [...]

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Looking Forward, 2012

By | January 3rd, 2012|General|

Looking forward, 2012 is going to be another busy year for all of us.  During the last Deputy/Assistant Director meeting, managers shared the biggest priorities for the next six months and I will share a few of the highlights throughout this week in our blog.     One key focus that echoed throughout everyone’s summary was an [...]