

Home Visiting: An Evidence-Based Best Practice

By | December 26th, 2013|Prevention|

Home visiting programs are highly effective at coaching new parents to be better parents.  Home visiting is particularly effective in building skills needed to be an effective parent as well as providing support for breastfeeding, nutrition, child development, fussy babies, oral health, and access to community resources. Arizona has a long tradition of supporting home visiting.  Arizona's coalition of partners [...]

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Ending the School Year on the Right Foot

By | May 21st, 2013|General|

Summer is almost here and the kids are wrapping up the school year. Let’s challenge families to end the school year on the right foot. Why not try walking or biking to school? The mornings are still nice enough to walk.  Make it a family activity; role model healthy behavior, leave the car keys at [...]

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Our Unwelcome Winter Visitor Returns

By | December 16th, 2011|Preparedness, Prevention|

Just in time for the holidays, we’re got our first lab confirmed case of influenza – actually two cases.  Influenza has probably been in the state for a while now, but we don’t officially start counting the cases until there is a case confirmed at our lab.  The vaccine was approved this summer and fights 3 [...]

AZ “Putting Prevention to Work”

By | May 16th, 2011|Prevention|

Last year we received funding from CDC to implement the Communities Putting Prevention to Work, which aims to achieve broad reaching, highly impactful, and sustainable change to reduce chronic disease burden associated with obesity and tobacco. This week CDC notified us that Arizona is a “high performing” state. What does this mean? CDC will soon be [...]

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