

Behavioral Health Quality Service Review

By | October 31st, 2013|Behavioral Health|

Objective evaluation is critical to assessing and improving the performance of any public health system- including the  behavioral health system that we manage.  One of the ways we assess our behavioral health system is to conduct a “Quality Services Review”, which identifies strengths, service capacity gaps, and areas for improvement at a system-wide level. A [...]

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Peer & Family Behavioral Health Report

By | February 28th, 2012|Behavioral Health|

We recently held a series of focus groups and interviews to obtain input from persons with Serious Mental Illnesses (peers) and their family members regarding the integration of physical healthcare and behavioral healthcare services in partnership with St. Luke’s Health Initiative and AHCCCS, and several behavioral health peer-run organizations and peer and family members.  The [...]

Outcomes- Public Health’s Lighthouse

By | November 18th, 2011|Behavioral Health, Prevention|

One of our primary goals over the last couple of years has been to shift the focus of our performance measures toward actual outcomes.  In other words, we don’t want to measure our success on simple activities like whether we did an intervention, placed an ad, or whether someone’s paperwork is right- but on whether [...]

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