nutrition facts

/Tag:nutrition facts

SNAP Reform

By | March 12th, 2010|General, Prevention|

I met with the staff of most of the members of Arizona’s congressional delegation Wednesday in Washington DC at an event called Hill Day sponsored by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation.  I used the opportunity to talk to them about nutritional policy issues like boosting the nutritional strength of the foods that are served under the free and reduced lunch [...]

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Salt Initiative

By | February 22nd, 2010|Prevention, Uncategorized|

We launched our salt reduction initiative this week  The overall goal is to get Arizonans to reduce their salt intake by paying more attention to the Sodium line in the nutrition facts and being a better- by selecting foods for the family that are lower in sodium. Sodium can increase your blood pressure and [...]

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Eat Well Be Well

By | February 16th, 2010|Prevention|

Throughout history, mankind’s future was largely determined by fate.  Infectious diseases like Diphtheria and Smallpox could wipe out an entire family in just a few days. People were vulnerable to outside threats ranging from a lack of clean drinking water to poor sanitation to gaps in environmental infrastructure that led to a host of infectious [...]

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