nicotine replacement therapies

/Tag:nicotine replacement therapies

Encouraging Trends in New Bi-annual Tobacco Prevention Report

By | July 12th, 2011|Prevention|

Part of the authorizing statute for our tobacco prevention programs includes a requirement that we develop a bi-annual report of our progress and activities.  Just two years ago, we reported that we were shifting to an “evidence-based” approach to our prevention activities.  In other words, we shifted our intervention strategies to focus on approaches that have [...]

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New Year’s Resolutions & Public Health

By | December 31st, 2010|General, Prevention|

Our Tobacco Prevention Program will be hitting targeted audiences (lower income Arizonans) a few days before New Years and during January with smoking cessation messages. There’s no better time to motivate folks to quit smoking than January because that’s the time of year when people generally set health goals for themselves.  The ads (funded by [...]