nicotene replacement therapy

/Tag:nicotene replacement therapy

Start the New Year Off Right: Kick the Habit

By | January 15th, 2014|Prevention|

50 years ago this week the 1st Surgeon General’s report on the health dangers of smoking was published- and we’re still fighting the battle.  About 43 million Americans still smoke despite decades of warnings. Smoking kills more people every year than car crashes, suicides, murders, illegal and prescription drugs, and alcohol abuse combined (6,800 people [...]

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Eat Well Be Well

By | February 16th, 2010|Prevention|

Throughout history, mankind’s future was largely determined by fate.  Infectious diseases like Diphtheria and Smallpox could wipe out an entire family in just a few days. People were vulnerable to outside threats ranging from a lack of clean drinking water to poor sanitation to gaps in environmental infrastructure that led to a host of infectious [...]

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