National Influenza Vaccination Week

/Tag:National Influenza Vaccination Week

It’s Not Too Late to Get the Flu Shot

By | December 5th, 2017|Preparedness|

National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) was established in 2005 by the CDC to highlight the continuing need to vaccinate for influenza through the holiday season and beyond. This year, NIVW is being observed December 3 through 9. Influenza causes mild to severe illness, and even death. Every season, roughly 4,000 Arizonans are hospitalized and 700 [...]

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We are Celebrating National Influenza Vaccination Week December 4-10

By | December 6th, 2016|Preparedness|

For millions of people every season, flu causes symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, fatigue, and miserable days spent in bed. Even more seriously, influenza results in hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths each year. Luckily, there are vaccines that can help to prevent the [...]

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It‘s Not Too Late; Get Your Flu Shot Today

By | December 7th, 2015|Preparedness|

Have you received your flu shot yet? December 6 - 12 is the National Influenza Vaccination Week. It's not too late to get vaccinated; especially with the peak flu season coming up. See how quick and easy my experience was. While your arm might be a little sore; it's worth it to avoid getting sick. [...]

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