

That Stubborn Whooping Cough

By | July 31st, 2012|Prevention|

Whooping Cough is making headlines again – with more than 18,000 cases in the U.S. and 600 cases so far this year in AZ.  You might wonder why we continue to have lots of whooping cough cases in the US and AZ when the other vaccine preventable diseases are real rare (e.g. measles, mumps etc.).  [...]

19 Kids to Miss a Month of School

By | February 15th, 2012|Preparedness, Prevention|

A 4th grader in Gilbert was diagnosed with the mumps last week. Had all the staff and faculty in the school been previously vaccinated for the mumps at the school- it really would’ve been no big deal. But, it turns out that 19 kids at the school hadn’t been vaccinated for the mumps (mainly because [...]

Lancet Withdraws 12 Year Old Flawed Autism Article

By | February 3rd, 2010|General, Preparedness|

An article published in the journal Lancet nearly 12 years ago set the public health world on fire.  The article published by Wakefield and 12 other authors suggested that they had found a link between the MMR (measles mumps rubella) vaccine and autism and bowel disease.  Since that time, a great deal of research has [...]