Matt Gainey

/Tag:Matt Gainey

Tightening AZ’s Waistline

By | May 22nd, 2012|General|

The CDC, along with HBO, The Institutes of Medicine and several private partners created a series of documentaries, called Weight of the Nation which aired last week, but you can still watch them all online.  We wrote a feature about our own Matt Gainey-  who made tremendous strides to change his health.  Matt is just one [...]

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Do Yourself A Favor in 2012

By | January 4th, 2012|General, Prevention|

Life is a precious gift.  None of us knows long our gift will last, so it’s important to make the most of every day.  That means doing everything you can to stay healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.  A lot of folks will say – I’m stuck with my health because of my genes, [...]