low income

/Tag:low income

Budget Squared Away

By | June 20th, 2013|Behavioral Health, General|

As you’ve probably seen, the Legislature went into a special session and worked some long hours to pass a FY 2014 budget.  While we’re still analyzing everything, here are some key provisions of the budget bill as it was sent to the Governor.  Medicaid (AHCCCS) will be restored and expanded.  This will be a big [...]

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New Border Health Resources

By | May 7th, 2012|General|

Obesity, injury prevention, teen pregnancy, and substance abuse are all border health priorities.  Our prevention team put together an inventory identifying current programs addressing these priority areas in AZs border communities.  Our WIC program and Arizona Nutrition Network reach thousands of low-income women and kids along the border- improving nutrition and reducing obesity.  Programs like our Sexual Violence Prevention & Education and Safe Kids [...]

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