heat alerts

/Tag:heat alerts

Back to School!

By | August 2nd, 2013|Behavioral Health, General, Preparedness, Prevention|

Not so long ago (actually a long time ago) when I was a student I was bummed when it was back to school time.  Now as a parent…  I can’t wait.  This year we thought we’d pull together a hub website for parents and grandparents to find resources and information with helpful hints about the [...]

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‘Tis the Season to Stay Hydrated…

By | June 18th, 2012|General|

An excessive heat warning has been issued this week, with temps climbing up to 113!!!! The AZ heat is a lot more than a nuisance – it's lethal. Our latest report on heat shows that about 1,400 Arizonans get a heat related illness so serious they end up in a hospital emergency room – hundreds [...]