healthcare system

/Tag:healthcare system

This is An Exercise

By | November 20th, 2013|Preparedness|

Arizona’s public health and healthcare system teamed up with the ADHS including our Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and the Arizona Division of Emergency Management last week in one of the largest preparedness exercises of the year. The objective was to test and build preparedness capabilities across the emergency management system in AZ. More than 3,000 [...]

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Public Health Conference Offers a Chance to Hear from National Public Health Expert

By | April 23rd, 2013|General, Preparedness, Prevention|

The Arizona Public Health Association will hold the 2013 Spring Conference on Wednesday, April 24…  focusing on how we can address removing barriers to access healthcare, integrate primary care and mental health, and strengthen Arizona’s capacity to improve health equity. The Conference will feature a keynote address from one of the nations most decorated and [...]

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Sliding Fee Clinics Help Increase Access to Healthcare

By | April 23rd, 2013|Prevention|

For many uninsured Arizonans, a doctor’s visit is a luxury that they simply can’t afford. That is unless they’re visiting a Sliding Fee Schedule Clinic.  These clinics are a vital part of our healthcare system and provide a broad range of primary care, dental and mental health services to uninsured patients regardless of their ability [...]

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National Public Health Week: A Celebration of Health Improvement

By | April 5th, 2013|General|

This week we’re celebrating National Public Health Week… a week that helps us recognize the work we do to keep our communities healthy. Public health focuses on improving our overall health by making the entire healthcare system stronger. The theme of this year’s celebration is Return on Investment. This isn’t just an investment of money, [...]

New Year, New MEDSIS

By | January 14th, 2013|General|

Over the past two years, folks in ITS and Epidemiology and Disease Control have been working together to enhance our state’s electronic communicable disease surveillance system called MEDSIS.   This week the new version of MEDSIS went live. Major enhancements include the integration of tuberculosis reporting, case management and surveillance; expanded case management capabilities for all diseases; [...]

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Implementing Our Strategic Plan- Prepare for and Respond to Public Health Emergencies

By | April 24th, 2012|Preparedness|

Over the past several months our Public Health Emergency Preparedness team has been integrating 2 big federal disaster preparedness grants- the Public Health Emergency Preparedness program from the CDC and the Hospital Preparedness Program from HHS.  The initiative involves coordinating emergency planning between healthcare facilities, local public health departments, emergency management agencies, tribal partners and [...]

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