drug overdose

/Tag:drug overdose

Got drugs?

By | April 25th, 2014|Prevention|

You may be contributing to one of Arizona’s biggest public health problems and not even realize it.  Arizona has the 6th highest rate in the country for prescription drug misuse and drug overdose death. What’s really frightening is that more than 90% of Arizona youth that misuse prescription drugs get them from family and friends. The [...]

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FDA Approves Painkiller Overdose Field Treatment

By | April 14th, 2014|Prevention|

It’s no secret that misuse and abuse of opiate painkillers like OxyContin and Vicodin are a large and growing public health threat in Arizona-  misuse and abuse of these medicines are now killing more Arizonans than car crashes. Last week the FDA approved a prescription treatment called Evzio that can be used in medical emergencies caused by prescription [...]

Heroin: The Sleepy Killer

By | February 4th, 2014|General|

I’ve written several posts about how prescription painkillers kill more Arizonans than heroin and cocaine combined- but heroin is still the No. 1 killer among the illegal drugs.   One hundred people died from a heroin overdose in AZ in 2013 (vs. about 1,000 from prescription drugs).  Heroin is very addictive.  According to NIDA, about 23% of people that try heroin will become [...]

Combatting Killer Painkillers

By | January 8th, 2014|Prevention|

Poisoning (including alcohol and prescription drugs) causes more deaths than car crashes in Arizona.  A recent report issued by the Trust for America's Health ranked Arizona as having the 6th highest death rate for drug overdose in the country in 2010.  Arizona also had one of the highest rates (4th highest at 5.7%) of nonmedical [...]

Put a Stop to Poisoning

By | April 25th, 2013|Behavioral Health, Prevention|

The benefit of everything is determined by dosage.  Even water, a critical element for life, is bad for the human body when you have too much.  But when it comes to prescription drugs, the dosage is incredibly important.  Doctors spend years learning about which medications work for what and how much is the right dose.  [...]

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Trash Your Stash V

By | April 27th, 2012|General|

Prescription drugs can be safe and effective at treating illnesses- but leftovers are also tempting for experimental teens- and the misuse of narcotic prescriptions is an increasingly urgent public health problem in Arizona.  In fact, more than 1,100 Arizonans died from prescription drug poisoning from misuse and abuse last year- which is more than the number [...]

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