

New Opioid Dashboard Launched

By | July 31st, 2017|Prevention|

The ADHS team recently launched a new dashboard providing more details on the possible opioid overdoses and deaths that have been reported to us since June 15 when the enhanced surveillance executive order went into effect.  One of the features of the dashboard is the display of possible overdoses by week.     With six weeks of reports of real time [...]

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Midwife Scope of Practice Draft Proposal

By | January 11th, 2013|Licensing|

Our next Midwifery Scope of Practice Advisory Committee meeting will be Monday (January 14th) from 6-8 pm in the Lab conference room.  The Agenda is packed with 2 full hours of information and discussion.  We’ll be reviewing data from other states, and what scopes of practice they allow, as well as reviewing our own data collected from [...]

AZ Cancer Registry Scores Gold

By | June 4th, 2012|General|

Our Arizona Cancer Registry scored a coveted Gold rating from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) this week for having complete and accurate data suitable for calculating complete and accurate incidence statistics.  We’ve received Silver ratings for the last several years- but this year we got the Gold for our increased its data completeness [...]

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