

Publishing Our Accreditation Success

By | December 24th, 2013|General|

As soon as the health department accreditation movement started in early 2010 we quickly recognized that statewide public health accreditation could substantially help us with our goal of achieving improvements in public health outcomes in AZ.  Our first task was to scope out the resources we’d need to achieve statewide accreditation and then tap into some [...]

AZ Healthy Community Design Tools

By | April 15th, 2013|Prevention|

Improving the health of Arizonans is critical to improving the quality of life as well as reducing health care costs. The most effective strategies are ones that incorporate the principles of population health… which includes health outcomes as well as the determinants that influence those outcomes including the public policy that influences the social and environmental [...]

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Doctor/Patient Density- Our Online Gap Analysis Map

By | April 30th, 2012|General|

In public health it’s good to know where the resources are – and where they're short. Our Health Systems Development team created an excellent online tool to help our partners keep track of resources --  to see where we have enough physicians and where we could use more.  It also shows how much of an area is [...]

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