community health nurses

/Tag:community health nurses

Home Visiting: An Evidence-Based Best Practice

By | December 26th, 2013|Prevention|

Home visiting programs are highly effective at coaching new parents to be better parents.  Home visiting is particularly effective in building skills needed to be an effective parent as well as providing support for breastfeeding, nutrition, child development, fussy babies, oral health, and access to community resources. Arizona has a long tradition of supporting home visiting.  Arizona's coalition of partners [...]

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National Spotlight on AZ’s High Risk Perinatal Program

By | May 1st, 2013|Prevention|

The March edition of the Association of Maternal and Child Health Program’s Issue Brief highlights the great strides Arizona has made in decreasing neonatal deaths since the inception of our High Risk Perinatal Program/Newborn Intensive Care Program. When the program started in the 1970s, 1.8% of neonates died within a month of being born.  As a [...]

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