clinical care

/Tag:clinical care

Tweaking the EMS Cost Curve

By | December 20th, 2013|Preparedness|

A couple of years ago I had our folks in the Bureau of EMS and Trauma System write a guidance document on what we believe is appropriate to include in ambulance contracts.   We noticed that these contracts were getting very complicated and included a whole lot of stuff that was very expensive… but that didn’t have much to [...]

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Implementing Our Strategic Plan- Promote Physical Activity & Nutrition

By | April 23rd, 2012|Prevention|

Our Public Health Prevention folks launched an exciting new initiative to improve health outcomes for Arizonans this month called the Arizona Population Health Policy Initiative.  This new partnership (with Arizona’s local county health departments) is focused on achieving targeted improvements in health outcomes for Arizonans by advancing evidence-based strategies which address community design, school health, [...]

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