CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey

/Tag:CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey

Teens & Tobacco: An AZ Success story

By | June 26th, 2014|Behavioral Health, General, Prevention|

You’ve read on my blog before about Arizona’s statewide youth coalition Students Taking a New Direction, better known as STAND.  The group just wrapped up its 5th annual youth conference to congratulate members on a great year and recognize the best of the organization.  This year, Mohave County's Kingman Youth Coalition “Beating Up Teen Tobacco” [...]

AZ Smokes the Field

By | June 15th, 2012|Prevention|

AZ had the biggest % decrease in teen smoking rates in the country according to the new CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey this week. Smoking rates among AZ teens dropped 12% in the last couple of years- while rates generally stayed flat across the country.  That's 11,000 fewer teen tobacco users between 2009 and 2011.  About half of the teenagers in AZ [...]

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