

National Spotlight on AZ’s High Risk Perinatal Program

By | May 1st, 2013|Prevention|

The March edition of the Association of Maternal and Child Health Program’s Issue Brief highlights the great strides Arizona has made in decreasing neonatal deaths since the inception of our High Risk Perinatal Program/Newborn Intensive Care Program. When the program started in the 1970s, 1.8% of neonates died within a month of being born.  As a [...]

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Folic Acid Awareness Week

By | January 11th, 2013|Prevention|

Taking a daily multivitamin can save babies lives by preventing birth defects.   Folic acid is a B vitamin can prevent up to 70% of neural tube defects (including spina bifida and anencephaly).   An average of 52 babies are born with neural tube defects in Arizona each year.  The easiest way for women of childbearing age to get [...]

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Midwife Scope of Practice Draft Proposal

By | January 11th, 2013|Licensing|

Our next Midwifery Scope of Practice Advisory Committee meeting will be Monday (January 14th) from 6-8 pm in the Lab conference room.  The Agenda is packed with 2 full hours of information and discussion.  We’ll be reviewing data from other states, and what scopes of practice they allow, as well as reviewing our own data collected from [...]

Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait

By | April 13th, 2012|Prevention|

Being born too soon is the number one killer of infants in Arizona and in the nation (birth defects is a close second).  Death rates from prematurity are declining but babies born too soon (before 37 weeks) often face medical, developmental and social challenges as they get older. More than 8,000 babies in Arizona were born too soon [...]