August 7

/Tag:August 7

Dispensary Application Update

By | July 23rd, 2012|General|

Most of the applicants for medical marijuana registration certificates have been able to correct deficiencies in their applications…  and 460 of the 486 applications we received are now complete.  Five applications have been withdrawn, 3 have been denied, 15 are pending, and 3 are on the clock to respond to requests for additional information.   The complete applications are [...]

Selection Tuesday

By | June 21st, 2012|General|

Overall, we ended up receiving 486 medical marijuana dispensary applications among our 126 Community Health Analysis Areas (CHAAs).  Twenty-seven of the CHAAs had no applicant at all- leaving 99 Community Health Analysis Areas with at least 1 applicant.  Seventy-five of the 99 had more than 1 applicant.  Assuming that each of these end up being complete, we’ll [...]