Arnold vs. Sarn

/Tag:Arnold vs. Sarn

Today’s Arnold v. Sarn “Fairness Hearing” a Success

By | February 27th, 2014|Behavioral Health|

A few weeks ago the Governor announced a final agreement had been reached in the 32 year old Arnold vs. Sarn case regarding care and services for individuals with serious mental illness. The Settlement is the foundation to end the lawsuit while establishing a blueprint for a successful community-based behavioral health system in Arizona.  This [...]

Historic Arnold vs. Sarn Agreement Reached

By | January 8th, 2014|Behavioral Health|

The Governor today announced a final agreement has been reached in the Arnold vs. Sarn case regarding care and services for individuals with serious mental illness.  Litigation that commenced in 1981, the settlement ends a more than three-decade long lawsuit against the state and establishes a blueprint for a successful community-based behavioral health system in [...]

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Watershed Week for Behavioral Health Services

By | May 17th, 2012|General|

The Governor and I and the plaintiffs in the 1981 Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit signed a landmark agreement today which will last 2 years (pending the court’s approval).  Today’s agreement outlines objectives for supported care and services for folks with a serious mental illness.  Over the next couple of years we’ll work together with the [...]

ADHS is Seeking an Insightful, Creative Leader for Behavioral Health

By | May 15th, 2012|Behavioral Health, General|

Do you think you can help us in “Promoting Health and Wellness for all Arizonans”.  That’s the motto here at ADHS and we are looking for a new leader to join our Behavioral Health team. We’re looking for an Assistant Director who is insightful and can see the forest and trees at the same time.  [...]

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