

Farmers' Market Locator

By | August 2nd, 2010|General|

We’ve got a groovy new Farmers' Market Locator up on our WIC website.  It help anybody in Arizona find the closest farmers market.  Simply go to the application link and put in any address and city and push “Find Market”.  The program will list all the markets including links that give you the time of year, dates [...]

Farmers’ Market Locator

By | August 2nd, 2010|General|

We’ve got a groovy new Farmers' Market Locator up on our WIC website.  It help anybody in Arizona find the closest farmers market.  Simply go to the application link and put in any address and city and push “Find Market”.  The program will list all the markets including links that give you the time of year, dates [...]

Title This, Title That

By | July 28th, 2010|Behavioral Health, Uncategorized|

You’ve most likely heard the words Title XIX, Title XXI, and Title V (aka Title 19, Title 21, Title 5) bandied about in the halls and elevators throughout your careers- but some of you might not know what those words mean.  Here’s a thumbnail sketch: Title V When you hear someone say “Title V”, they’re [...]

West Nile Ramping Up

By | July 27th, 2010|Prevention|

The West Nile virus is making its annual visit to Arizona.  We’ve had several cases now in Arizona (and 1 death) - mostly from the East Valley in Maricopa and Pinal Counties. Most of these cases have the more severe form of West Nile virus which causes meningitis or encephalitis.  We rarely hear of most cases because [...]

Aging Healthy in Arizona

By | July 22nd, 2010|General|

In the next 2 decades Arizona’s population will age rapidly, increasing the demand for services related to management of chronic illnesses and disability, as well as increase health care and long term care costs. That’s why we need to focus efforts to improve the health and wellbeing of all older adults in Arizona.  Our new [...]

ADHS Status

By | July 21st, 2010|General, Newborn Screening|

We’ve got a lot to be proud of over the last year and an half.  It’s been hard, I know because of all of the budget reductions and the lower staffing level.  On the other hand, we’ve got an incredible mission and we’re doing a good job.  I often tell people that we work in [...]

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Integrating Physical & Mental Health

By | July 20th, 2010|Behavioral Health|

One of our top priorities in behavioral health over the coming years will be to better integrate physical health and mental health services in Arizona.  Why is this a priority you ask?  It’s because folks with the most serious mental illnesses die at least 25 years earlier than the average Arizonan (this is consistent across [...]

Integrating Physical & Mental Health

By | July 20th, 2010|Behavioral Health|

One of our top priorities in behavioral health over the coming years will be to better integrate physical health and mental health services in Arizona.  Why is this a priority you ask?  It’s because folks with the most serious mental illnesses die at least 25 years earlier than the average Arizonan (this is consistent across [...]

Substance Abuse in AZ

By | July 19th, 2010|Behavioral Health, Uncategorized|

Our Division of Behavioral Health Services is the point guard for substance abuse prevention & treatment in Arizona (also referred to as the Single State Authority for Substance Abuse Services at the federal level).  One of those concerns is the abuse of marijuana- which continues to be in high demand and abused in our state.  [...]

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Medical Marijuana (Proposition 203)

By | July 15th, 2010|General|

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, an Initiative called the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act will be on the Ballot this November.  We organized several teams (behavioral health, substance abuse, public health, licensure, rules, IT, and administrative council etc.) to examine the Initiative over the last few weeks.  You can read a news article this week [...]