Arizona Smoke Free Living

/Tag:Arizona Smoke Free Living

Arizona is becoming the best place to live free of the dangers of tobacco

By | February 9th, 2016|Prevention|

Arizona continues to be among the nation's leaders in tobacco control and is ranked in the top ten in several categories, including tobacco use among adults, youth, and pregnant women. According to national and state surveys, tobacco use declined in the past year by an estimated 40,000 adults and 13,000 high school aged youth. Likewise, [...]

New Tobacco Prevention Public Service Campaigns Launched

By | March 31st, 2015|Prevention|

This month we launched two new tobacco prevention public service awareness campaigns that show the final consequences of long term tobacco use, and the effect of secondhand smoke on children. The public service announcements for the Arizona Smokers' Helpline (ASHLine) focus on smokers and encourages people to call the ASHLine for help quitting.  Since the [...]

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